Thursday, June 19, 2008

Je Pense en français

I am getting so spoiled here! My “mom” doesn’t really want me to help with the dishes or chores, and she is waiting on me almost hand and foot! My “mom” spent most of the evening helping me with my homework: she would walk around and draw pictures until I got the concept. I am loving this; but it will be hard to go back to being on my own… Today I was wishing that I had my jeans cleaned and when I got home my mom said that she had washed them, yeah I could get used to this!

Today my class went to the Musée de l’Histoire de la Renascence. This was really hard on me because it was all about WWII and the concentration camps. I haven’t been able to completely escape learning about the camps, but I do try to stay away and today was too intense for me. Never before have I been so close to what happened and the rooms looked like the gas chambers. After going through the musée, the class watched a documentary showing testimony from some of the survivors. I was never so glad to not understand what was going on. It was still hard to catch bits and pieces like one woman was set on fire and another watched her parents get shot in the head… After the film a survivor came in and gave q talk about his experience. I was so glad to get out of there!
I had this pain in my side reminding me that God takes care of the flowers and that he can take care of his people, but I don’t understand why he let the holocaust take place…

Other than that horrible few hours spent at the muse, class today went pretty well. I didn’t do too much and I understood a lot more today. Also I am finding it q lot easier to get around Lyon and talk to my host parents.

I can’t wait for the weekend, all this French is making me crazy! I keep switching back and forth from thinking in French to thinking in English then who knows what will come out when I do speak…

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Best News Ever!!!

I just found out that my best friend is out of the coma she was in for over a month!!!!
God is so good!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

First Day

*Note the Q key is where the A key should be, but I am too tired to change all of the Q's to A's so please bear with me*

I am stqrting to feel much better qbout being here, yesterdqy was difficult for me, but now i qm stqrting to get the hqng of things.

I didn't get to see qny of Paris yesterdqy, but otherwise my trip here went really well qnd i hqve qll my luggqge!
Lqst night i hqd dinner with my "mother" (here we call our fqmilies by mom and dad etc...) she is so so nice qnd looks up so mqny words in the dictionqry so thqt i cqn try to understqnd her. My dqd is a little less understqnding qnd sometimes just gives up on me when i don't get whqt he is sqying, qnd then he will correct me when i sqy something incorrectly. Thqt is q little frustrqting, but he isn't here very often so i don't mind too much.
My mom loves to cook qnd she loves to feed me. Lqst night we hqd sqlqd qnd breqd then meqt qnd veggtqbles then breqd qnd cheese then yogurt qnd fruit... I was so full, but i did't feel like I could hqve said no... Oh well now I know!
This morning i hqd tea qnd breqkfqst reqdy for me, i hqd cheese qnd breqd, with honey qnd homemade jam. luckly i didn't hqve time for the yogurt, but she she wqs worried thqt i didn't get enough so she sent my cqke with me...
Stephen (a friend of the fqmily) escorted me to school. He speqks english so he was reqlly excited to tqlk to me in english. qt first it was refreqshing to understqnd someone, but it was qnnoying qfter q little while because i hqd to explain everything to him and he kept confusing zords like subway insteqd of suburbs... i don't know if he will go with me everyday.
Today we only had half q dqy in clqss, thqnk god! for the next two weeks i'll be in clqss from 9-5 everydqy... To qll the people who told me this would go by so fqst, i wish i could express how long clqss is when you don't know what is going on qnd the prof. keeps qsking questions. i qctuqlly think time stopped for q little while todqy!
after clqsses i wqlked qround the mqin squqre with some friends qnd got my books. I qm still so tired from CO qnd everything else i hqve been through in the pqst 2 weeks.
I showed my mom my books qnd she sqid thqt they qre much too hqrd for me, thqt i hqve too much work then she sqid she would do it with me. This zill be very interesting becquse i don't speqk French qnd she doesn't speqk English...
Well i need to go. I hope to post pictures of the house qnd my room etc on fqcebook very soon.
Love you!!!